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U-Idaho Extension Water Outreach Undergraduate Intern

This posting on Handshake was made courtesy of the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources, please reach out to the employer listed in the job description for any additional information and to apply for this position.


Position Description

The Fall/Spring 2023-2024 Extension Water Outreach undergraduate intern will support the Extension Water Outreach program through assisting with educational event planning, assisting with IDAH2O Master Water Stewards/Project WET administration, and leading hands-on educational activities. All Fall and Spring semester interns will focus primarily on a major research or other project directly related to their ENVS program, studies, or career aspirations. These are usually like a research paper or engineering/landscape architecture/graphics design, or a video project on a topic of the intern’s choice (with guidance from the Extension Water Educator). The intern will be provided with some training about the topic, and also training as desired in a variety of outreach and science communications theory and practice, place-based, hands-on, investigative techniques and experiential pedagogy. These can include becoming certified in the IDAH2O Master Water Stewards program and Project WET, learning The Confluence Project high school curriculum, and 4-H Wildlife and Water curriculum. The intern will also be trained in non-formal adult education, and community outreach theory and practice. The intern will be connected with a local organization that needs volunteer help with water-related outreach/education programs to provide the intern with some job experience.    

Fall/Spring interns can operate from the University of Idaho Moscow campus or Coeur d’Alene Center, and will be supervised via the UI Extension Northern District regional office and Water Outreach Program office. The intern may work remotely, as per agreement with Area Water Educator.  


Intern Responsibilities

10% direct assistance with program planning and event outreach, but also includes preparing educational activities for use, developing Project WET activity kits, and organizing curricular materials. IDAH2O Master Water Stewards workshop and Project WET workshops are included within this portion. 

25% Direct assistance with educational events where the intern is based, including the greater Sandpoint – Cd’A – Moscow corridor. These events include field experiences for K-12 youth, IDAH2O and Project WET workshops for adults, and other similar settings.  

60% Developing and honing a professionally styled and produced research-type project related to the intern’s professional interest, and area of study within ENVS/NRS. The project should be at least somewhat connected to Extension Water Outreach programs.  

5%: other duties as necessary, as related to watershed science, water resources management, or other related Extension programming, etc. As examples, the intern could assist with other Extension faculty programs (stream restoration, Master Forest Stewards, Farm to Table, CDA Lake Management, 4-H or other related projects), native plant and BMP installation at the Cleaner. Water. Faster. outdoor classroom and bioinfiltration swale.  


Desired Skills

The successful candidate will be highly organized, flexible, detail-oriented, and able to multi-task under guidance and direction from the Area Water Educator. A goal of the internship will be to learn how to manage and prioritize a range of different tasks. In other words, the Water Outreach program seeks a proactive, flexible person who can shift focus with ease, possess a can-do attitude, and be well-organized and detailed-oriented.  

Necessary KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) include being a self-starter, willingness to develop strong presentation skills, developing strong writing skills, 2.5 GPA (cumulative or within the major, whichever is greater), and a schedule suitable for completing outreach projects in a timely manner.  

Preferred KSAs include all the “necessary” KSAs, plus a major or minor in educational training (e.g., Ag Ed or a minor in College of Education) or environmental sciences or natural resources, experience with hands-on educational programs such as Project WET, Junior or higher in academic rank. Experience working directly with youth and/or adult audiences in formal and/or non-formal educational settings is a plus, as is knowledge of watershed science principles, and experience working with diverse groups/audiences.  


Supervisor and Contact Information

Jim Ekins, N. District’s Extension Area Water Educator, will be the intern’s supervisor. UI Extension will supervise one to three internship credits. There is no financial compensation, as this will be a high-impact academic learning opportunity.   

For additional information, contact: 

Jim Ekins 

Area Water Educator, UI Extension 

Northern District 
