John Deere

Data Analytics Intern

May - August 2019 • Moline, IL

What I liked

Challenging and rewarding problems and good internal development resources. All projects were important to the company which made me feel valued.

What I wish was different


Always strive to learn more. Be creative.
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Test Engineer

May - July 2019 • Waterloo, IA

What I liked

I appreciated how willing my coworkers were to help me out. Everyone did their job, but also helped each other so everyone could succeed. They had lots of training sessions where I could learn new skills to help me be a better employee.

What I wish was different

I would have like more hands on work. Because there is a Union, I was not able to physically set up and conduct the entire test, nor was I able to fabricate the parts I needed myself. They had to be made by someone else. This is very useful, but as someone who likes building and working with my hands, I found this quite irritating.


Do not be afraid to ask questions. People want you to succeed and are more than willing to help you with whatever you are struggling with.
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Quality Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Des Moines, IA

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere and culture there, and I was trusted with large projects to work on. My mentor helped me every step of the way.

What I wish was different

Not a lot of development for chemical engineers, but I just accepted a full time job offer in the paint and chemical coatings department which will be more my speed.


Take every opportunity you get, especially after getting the job. Job shadow even if no one tells you too, take courses the company offers even if it's not required, etc. That's how you get a return offer.
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Marketing - Customer Product Support

May - August 2019 • Waterloo, IA

What I liked

I have always loved John Deere products, but never realized how great of a company they are. Deere is very good at being personable with all employees no matter their background. Each person in the company is important, and plays a role in the big picture. Deere does great at making employees the priority which helps to breed a culture of amazing customer service. I also loved how Deere takes interest in personal development, they have many opportunities to help you learn and grow. Finally, the people at Deere are what makes the company what it is.

What I wish was different

The only down side, is that the only jobs are in the mid-west.


I would recommend if you have any desire to work for Deere, to apply to an internship! If you don't think you would even be considered, give it a shot anyways and do your best to try getting in there.
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Environmental Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Moline, IL

What I liked

The pay and the work itself where amazing.

What I wish was different

I wish it could have been longer to see all of my projects through.


Make sure you are a self starter and don't be afraid to ask questions.
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Software Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Champaign, IL

What I liked

The experience I gained in mobile development and the connections I made.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have gotten more of my app goals completed.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
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Production assistant

September 2017 - August 2018 • Fargo, ND

What I liked

What I wish was different


This was an experience, not really a very positive one, where I wanna was able to realize how much I desired to return to school. I was also exposed to many people who didn’t have many hopes and dreams for their life and let alone weren’t pursuing them. This job pushed me to run after my dreams because I was told many times that I would just fall into the trap and work in the factory for the rest of my life. My advice is to stick through jobs that you may not be your favorite. For one, you’ll gain experience and you’ll learn so much about yourself that can push you to want to chase after your dreams more.
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Credit Risk Analyst

May - August 2018 • Des Moines, IA

What I liked

I was given challenging tasks that were important to the company.

What I wish was different


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App support intern

March 2018 • Champaign, IL

What I liked

Learning new skills and gaining experience in User interface and experience.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have done more tasks related to my major . Mainly indirect use of general knowledge from my major.


engage with the other students working there and build connections.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Horicon, WI

What I liked

The entire staff wanted interns to succeed and make them feel welcome.

What I wish was different


Make the most of the time there, it seems long at first but is very short.
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Supply Management Intern

June - August 2018 • Moline, IL

What I liked

The company was amazing! Everyone was so welcoming to all of the interns and treated us just like another full-time employee. I got valuable, hands-on experience and expanded my network greatly.

What I wish was different


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engine performance development engineer

September 2018 • Waterloo, IA

What I liked

Dynamic work environment, challenging assignments, international exposure

What I wish was different

John Deere PEC location


Amazing opportunity to grab. Be ready to work for long hours and make your learning curve steepest.
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IT Intern

May - August 2018 • East Moline, IL

What I liked

The company culture and my coworkers made it very smooth to onboard and work on my projects.

What I wish was different

I wish the provided housing had been a little bit better.


Getting your foot in the door and making an early good impression is just the starting point, but it will go a long way.
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Product engineer

May 2018 • Dubuque, IA

What I liked

Pay. Learning new tools.

What I wish was different

Wish I worked in a more hands on department.


Apply here, get place to work for.
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Supply Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Moline, IL

What I liked

John Deere has a great internship program that allows all the intern to connect easily. Made me feel at home even if I was hundreds of miles away!

What I wish was different


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Supply Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Milan, IL

What I liked

There were a lot of opportunities to collaborate with other employees as well and see many of the other John Deere facilities and historical sites that were in the area. I was encouraged to explore those. I also really enjoyed the social network that John Deere helped to create for it's interns outside of work such as a softball league.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have done more hands on work, instead of spending a lot of time staring at a computer. I would have enjoyed that.


I would say that it is important to explore and ask other people about their positions. What they like about it, and what they don't like about it to help you get a feel for the company and the culture. Collecting enough data by talking to enough people helps you to get a more real view of how people view their jobs.
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Supply Chain Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Dubuque, IA

What I liked

I liked that there were other interns and that I was exposed to different areas of Supply Chain as well as Marketing, which I was interested in. John Deere is a great company with very strong values that show throughout the work that is done on a day to day basis. Truly it is good, genuine people working there and I always felt welcomed. I was given new hire responsibilities, which was definitely challenging but I learned what it means to be in Procurement. I liked that they cared so much about their employee's development, including the interns.

What I wish was different


Make sure to talk to people in different departments wherever you intern. There are so many different job functions so try to get to know the most about each of them to give you a better idea of what you want to do if you return full time.
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Product Engineer

June 2017 • Dubuque, IA

What I liked

It's a really good company and I learned a ton of what real life engineering is like with an undergrad.

What I wish was different

I honestly wouldn't change anything, it was really close to campus and I got to work from home.


I would definitely try to get a job/internship in a large company like Deere to figure out if that kind of work/lifestyle fits what you are looking for.
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Product Engineering

May - August 2018 • Horicon, WI

What I liked

I liked how kind everyone was and that we actually had engineering related projects.

What I wish was different

The speed of the processes was too slow.


Go in with an open mind. The process may be slow, but you will learn a lot.
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Quality Engineer

May - August 2018 • Moline, IL

What I liked

Experience in the working world. Working with professionals is fun because everyone knows their job really well and is willing to help you every step of the way.

What I wish was different

I am not a fan of the Quad Cities area. Unfortunately, John Deere is headquartered there. But the people in the area are very friendly and there is a great food scene!


Be bold. Just because you're an intern doesn't mean you can't have a lasting impact on your company. After all, it is just as much your company as anyone else you work with.
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