Community Council of Idaho


March - July 2022 • Caldwell, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed working with the girls in the office, I was not aware that the attorney did not like me. I had no idea that there was even a problem. I shared with everyone, I offered where I could. I guess I'm just not everyone's cup of tea.

What I wish was different

I wish that there had been a better training from the moment I had arrived. Some guidance as to what was expected of my role and actual set dates of when things were due. These things didn't happen until a month or so after, when it seemed like a suggestion.


Allowing full completion of those trainings and webinars, maybe done without any interruptions would be nice - especially for any new people you ever plan to bring on board. And Instead of having me drive all the way back to the office, the decision could have been made the prior night and avoided the morning of embarrassment. It really could have been avoided.
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Education Coordinator

June - August 2018 • Twin Falls, ID

What I liked

I loved the responsibilities of my job, the children, and the staff. This is a great experience for Psychology, Communication, and Education majors.

What I wish was different


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Communication Specialist

May 2017 • Caldwell, ID

What I liked

My job duties

What I wish was different

I wish it was in Boise


Focus on your role
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